Since 2009, Alva and Woods County citizens have been 'Banking It' for the community. Bank It is a local non-profit organization that is partnered with area financial institutions to raise funds and awareness for various civic organizations. Bank It chooses 3-4 worthy organizations (annually) to highlight each quarter, designating them a 'CommUNITY Vision'. The local financial institutions serve as donation locations, accepting monetary donations from community members. Many of the financial institutions match a portion of customer donations, with Alva State Bank matching 50% of incoming donations from their bank customers up to $3,000. BancCentral matches up to $1500, Community Bank matching $500 and Hopeton State Bank matching funds at their discretion. All donations stay local to help the community thrive. Donations can be made by holding money out from a deposit or by writing a check to Bank It and dropping it off at your bank. Pledge forms are also available to allow patrons to begin their own "Habit of Helping" by donating monthly through bank draft. The Banks are a safe, secure location to donate toward a truly community minded project.
Where to Donate
2025 quarterLY community visions
If you would like to donate to the current CommUNITY Vision, simply click the Donate Button below!
Print this pledge form to take to your bank to set up automatic donations
As the slogan suggests, the goal of Bank It is to invite the community to make a habit out of helping. If each member of our community could donate $1-$5 per month, what a difference that could make to the organizations making Alva and Woods County a great place to live and raise a family. When Bank It was founded, the board had a vision to make Alva a better place and they didn't stop at the CommUNITY Vision concept. The board aimed higher, making a long-term plan to grow funds that help families in crisis and future projects. All donations stay within this community to help now and in the future. When all donations are collected at the end of each quarter, Bank It allocates 65 percent of those funds to the current CommUNITY Vision. Then 20 percent is then allocated to the Growth Fund which serves as a grant funding opportunity for local organizations and community projects. The final 15 percent is allocated to the Bank It Rainy Day Fund for families in crisis. Both funds are accessible to local families or organizations in need and must have an application approved by the board. All grants have a potential maximum funding of $2500.